MONDIALE DE LA SANTE You may be pleased to learn that WHO does give attention to Acupuncture and Acupressure in its traditional medicine programme and a whole issue of our monthly magazine (1980). World Health, was devoted to Acupuncture / Acupressure. Programme Manager Traditional Medicine.
Su-jok is divided in two parts-'SU' and 'JOK', these means Foot and Hand. Su-Jok therapy worked out by a South Korean scientist Professor Park Jae Woo. it is not only a method of improving health, but also a way of comprehending the fundamental laws of life, establishing connections between classical Western science and knowledge accumulated by the medicine of the Orient, since ancient times. High effectiveness and simplicity of Su-Jok therapy contributes to quick spreading of the method in various countries.
Acupuncture Therapy
Auricology Chart - Ear Reflex Point
Su-jok Therapy
A Word About Acupressure
Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press potent points on the whole body surface. It works by stimulating the body's self creative abilities. Acupressure mainly focuses on relieving pain and discomfort as well as it responds to tension before it develops into a "dis-ease" When the key points of the body are pressed they promote the circulation of the blood and release muscular tension. In Acupressure, it is said that. Pain is the cry of hungry nerve for the want of better blood supply. Acupressure Therapy is approved by World health organization, Geneva.
Acupressure is nature’s health science built in our body in acupressure therapy you have to apply pressure on certain points located on palms and soles. The pressure given on points stimulates all the organs of the body to prevent disease and to maintain good health. This therapy also enables us to diagnose and cure the disease permanently.
Comparison Between Acupressure & Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Acupressure both use the same points but acupuncture employs needles while acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure of fingers of hand and some modern scientific devices too Acupressure, the oldest of two traditions was neglected after the Chinese developed more technological methods for simulating points with needles and electricity. However, acupressure continues to be the most effective method for self treatment of tension and other related ailments by using the power and sensitivity of the human hand. The main advantage of acupressure healing touch is that it is safe to do on one self as well as on others, even if it is never done before, provided the instructions are followed and cautions are kept in mind. There are no side effects because there are no drugs and the basic equipment needed for it are individuals own two hands. Thus acupressure therapy can be practiced anywhere at any time.
Meridianology Chart- Acupunture
According to the Egyptian master, 'PYRAMID' is divided into two parts- 'PYRA' and 'MID', the former means 'Fire' and the latter means 'Center'. The Pyramid increases electromagnetic energy and bio-cosmic energy along with other forms of energies. Than, these energies and the individual's self-energy cause inter-related effect, which results into a feeling of consciousness in the individual. The Pyramid corner are the symbols of peacefulness, seriousness, wisdom and truth. The uses of Pyramid bring on happiness and prosperity.
Mega Roller-Wooden
Su-jok Chart
Auricology therapy is a powerful technique for balancing body energy. It has proved to be effective in providing relief to people suffering from a variety of problems of ailments. The ear has shaped exactly like a human embryo, which may suggest the reason why it is a microcosm of the whole body. The coloured chart indicates all the points with diagram for easy tracing. Any one can understand the pressure point of the organ by this chart. This is latest research of the Acupressure Health Care System, India. Many kinds of disease can be diagnosed and treated by pressure.
Handy Roller - Magnetic
Face Roller - Plastic
Body Care Massager - II pyra-point
Rat Roller - Wooden
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